Using .options in KiCAD 8 simulation

In KiCAD 8, how to do I modify the netlist to insert options like this? Or were can I find a menu to choose integration or change other options? I’d searched the docs and this forum. Thanks.

.options chgtol=1e-11 abstol=10p reltol=0.01 vntol=10u
often also the integration method GEAR delivers results when default TRAP fails.
.options method=gear

Answered my own question: Just include spice directives like this as text on the schematic.

I was initially mislead because simulation commands don’t work in the KiCAD Inspect : Simulator : Run Simulation paradigm, they work only with an external spice simulator.

The Simulation examples for KiCad/Eeschema/ngspice from @holger helped to clear up this and other questions for a noob to spice using KiCAD.

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