Using Notepad++ on live PCB

Just wondering, after seeing the post on the Notepad++ plugin, I wondered if it would be possible to use Notepad++ to open the PCB file whilst I was working on it. It very nicely knows when its been updated and prompts to load it when its out of date.

I thought this would be really handy, if for example I new the locations of the 4 holes for mounting, and I wanted to set them manually.

However, what I found was you can adjust the values in Notepad++ and save it, but PCB NEW will not recognize the change of values, unless you close, preforms edits, and re-open the PCB.

I thought it would have a refresh or some such like…am I missing something that I can enforce and update without close and open of the file?

No, there’s no refresh that I know of. Most programs load on file open and write on save.


You can manually set the position of things from within PCBNew. Usually by hovering over it and pressing ‘E’ otherwise right-click and select properties.

NP++ is reading the file ‘only’ and (to me at least) KiCAD isn’t enforcing a lock on the file it works on (otherwise NP++ wouldn’t be able to write the file while it was open in KiCAD).
This also means KiCAD touches the file only when you tell it to save it (Autosave every x minutes does apparently only create backup files instead of ‘touching up’ the main working file, see General Settings).

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OK that’s cool, I’ll keep on trucking the way I am with my friend the ‘e’ :slight_smile: Cheers everyone.