This is more or less a Linux-Newbie question specific to KiCad.
I am about gradually trying to migrate my tools from Windows 10 (which i am totally happy with) to Linux because of the way MS seems to be going with Windows in the future. Now, this will take some time because I make use of lots of Win-only tools for which i do not have a simple drop-in replacement / pendant on Linux without investing lots of time getting used to that OS.
This means that for the time being, I would need to work on KiCad project on Windows as well as on Linux. Since I already had trouble with simple python scripts after I opened and modified them in Linux (Linux of course insists of saving files in different encodings/ line feeding style which made the files look “corrupted” for some Windows Tools) I wanted to know If there are troubles to be expected by working on a project using different OSes (mainly because of reasons like above, i.e. different file encodings, etc…) ?
In other words: If I put the Kicad project on a file share where both, Windows ans Linux have acces to, can I use both OSes to work on the project? (of course the Project will be open only in one OS at a time)
yes, there are some differences in the configuration of KC from Linux to windows, for example the place where you can find the configuration files on the two oses, but the file format for sch/pcb and libraries is the same.
such as? maybe some experienced Linux user can point you in the right direction.
try using some editor that is designed to work in both os, i use ‘visual studio code’ everywhere, i never had this kind of mess-up.
The quantity of sw that comes with a modern Linux distribution is overwhelming for the beginner, some trial and error is inevitable, but i’m sure in time you can make the big jump.
Good luck!
Cool, so the “only” thing would be to once copy over the kicad settings (or simply click them together)
Very kind of you but I do not want to start this kind of “discussion” - had too much of them already =) But one of the examples is notepad++. It is extremely powerful and still user friendly and does not have such a steep learning curve like the linux editors i know so far. But let´s keep that discussion aside!
That´s exactly what I am striving for. For the mentioned example: No idea what happened but after i edited y python file with vim, the python built-in minimalistic IDLE Editor could not open the file on Windows anymore. Had to use my favorit Notepad++ to “restore” .
No need to do that, just install and configure your usual preferences on both os; you will be able to use your data files from both sides.
However, knowing where KiCad config files are placed allows you to do some handy tricks.
For example if you use (alot of) personal libraries, you can place them in a common place, a common partition, a git/svn repo, something like that.
Once you have done the configuration under Linux you can copy the config files (fp-lib-table, sym-lib-table) from a place to the other, saving the same tedious configuration task under windows.
(at least in my case, a Linux user) Using environment variable ${KIPRJMOD} to set library access paths allows you to open a KiCad project in win, mac or Linux without any problem.