Using a DPDT switch as a SPST

Hi. In a project schematic I’m working on I have used the SPST-NO symbol as that’s what I actually need, a momentary pushbutton connected to an MCU. When the button is open the MCU reads high (5v) and when the button is pressed the MCU reads low (0v, gnd).

Now, for the actual assemby, I could not find an SPST button tall enough and the only one I have found is DPDT.

I know I could change the schematic and replace all (15) symbols with a DPDT but I’d like to avoid that, to keep it easy to read. So I’d like to work on the actual PCB.
DPDT have 2 sets of 3 pins. I can create my own footprint and was in doubt how I should number pads.
I was thinking
and, in terms of connections, I would do the following:

  • pin 1 not connected
  • pin 2 to the MCU net
  • pin 3 to the GND net


Which do you need; a push button or a latching switch?

And another thought:
Is your MCU vulnerable to contact bounce? Will your switch need conditioning?

I suspect what @spassigl is looking for is a typical Momentary Push-Button SW… a stock Kicad part… Kicad has several different one’s having different Heights

ADDED: Photo of usage in Kicad and on a real project (Arduino Nano, Reset Btn-SW with red-colored Key-Cap I 3D-Printed) on a Programmer (for Atmel Chips…)

Modified a dpdt footprint to parallel poles:

Modified PB symbol to add a hidden pin 3 (uncheck “visible”) (quiets warnings):

a quick schematic:

and the pcb (note: the two ‘3’ pins will also need a trace to connect them and complete routing)

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For those 4-pin spst pushbuttons I modify a 2-pin PB symbol to add two extra pins for routing but make them not-visible so the schematic is tidy. Rotate them 90 so they are obvious in the symbol editor.

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Sure… there are several ways to do it… This is how I do the Reset Btn’s for Chips.
For an MCU such as Nano/Uno/etc, I just use a Btn-SW that pulls the RST-Pin to GND

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Thank you! This is great!

So in this case you set pin 1 unconnected, right?

I’ll do the debounce in software as I also need to check for long or repeated press.

Correct. Usually, I use one of these Symbols for Momentary Push-Btn’s. I don’t remember why I used the one I posted (I’m sure I had a reason at the time. perhaps because it didn’t matter to me so, I used it… I shouldn’t have posted it - seems to have confused you.

These (below) are the one’s I mostly use for them (they’re in my Personal Library, too).

I link/associate these (hardware) as needed per project…

No don’t worry. Thanks for clarifying further

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