Upgraded to 5.99 nightly - query on new symbols?

I was previously running 5.1.9 on Ubuntu 20.04 and pointed to Legacy nightly Development Builds repo thinking it would install the latest 5.1.9 nightly. Instead it upgraded my 5.1.9 to 5.99

No big deal, guess its a sign I should really try out 5.99

The issue I have now is when I open any older schematic the symbols are missing.

Under symbol library I have
${KICAD6_SYMBOL_DIR} /usr/share/kicad/library
${KICAD_SYMBOL_DIR} /usr/share/kicad/library

The global libraries all still point to the legacy symbols.

(This only listing only has *.lib files in it)

When it upgrades looks like all the old legacy symbols were removed and the new symbols installed.

What do I need to do to “import” all the newer symbols?

These are all the packages that were installed

ii  kicad                                                       202102021520+c98c7cf200~101~ubuntu20.04.1 amd64        Electronic schematic and PCB design software
ii  kicad-demos                                                 202102021520+c98c7cf200~101~ubuntu20.04.1 all          Common files used by kicad
ii  kicad-doc-en                                                202012211304+1716~27~ubuntu20.04.1        all          Kicad help files (English)
ii  kicad-footprints                                            202101011204+2ba0d5cb6~10~ubuntu20.04.1   all          Kicad footprints (modules)
ii  kicad-libraries                                             5.1.9-202012230805+7~ubuntu20.04.1        all          meta-package for dep to all KiCad libraries (symbols, footprints, templates and 3D models)
ii  kicad-packages3d                                            202010150808+b8b3cfdf~8~ubuntu20.04.1     all          Kicad packages3d (3d models for footprints)
ii  kicad-symbols                                               202101251523+6c60d120~6~ubuntu20.04.1     all          Kicad symbols (schematic)
ii  kicad-templates                                             202101011218+f99cc6d~8~ubuntu20.04.1      all          Kicad templates

I do not know what you did exactly, but “kicad” and “kicad-nightly” are separate (sets of) packages, and they can be installed at the same time.
“kicad” is for the stable version (Currently: V5.1.9)
“kicad-nightly” is for the nightly version (Currently V5.99, with lots of extra features and bugs)

I have both versions installed.

paul@medion:~$ apt search kicad
i   kicad                           - Electronic schematic and PCB design softwa
p   kicad-common                    - Old common files used by kicad - Transitio
p   kicad-dbg                       - Debug symbols for kicad                   
i   kicad-demos                     - Common files used by kicad                
p   kicad-doc-ca                    - Kicad help files (Catalan)                
p   kicad-doc-de                    - Kicad help files (German)                 
i   kicad-doc-en                    - Kicad help files (English)                
p   kicad-doc-es                    - Kicad help files (Spanish)                
p   kicad-doc-fr                    - Kicad help files (French)                 
p   kicad-doc-id                    - Kicad help files (Indonesian)             
p   kicad-doc-it                    - Kicad help files (Italian)                
p   kicad-doc-ja                    - Kicad help files (Japanese)               
p   kicad-doc-pl                    - Kicad help files (Polish)                 
p   kicad-doc-ru                    - Kicad help files (Russian)                
p   kicad-doc-zh                    - Kicad help files (Chinese)                
i A kicad-footprints                - Kicad footprints (modules)                
p   kicad-its-files                 - Its file used to build KiCad on old distro
i A kicad-libraries                 - meta-package for dep to all KiCad librarie
p   kicad-locale-bg                 - Bulgarian locale for KiCad                
p   kicad-locale-ca                 - Catalan locale for KiCad                  
p   kicad-locale-cs                 - Czech locale for KiCad                    
p   kicad-locale-de                 - German locale for KiCad                   
p   kicad-locale-el                 - Greek locale for KiCad                    
p   kicad-locale-es                 - Spanish locale for KiCad                  
p   kicad-locale-fi                 - Finnish locale for KiCad                  
p   kicad-locale-fr                 - French locale for KiCad                   
p   kicad-locale-hu                 - Hungarian locale for KiCad                
p   kicad-locale-it                 - Italian locale for KiCad                  
p   kicad-locale-ja                 - Japanese locale for KiCad                 
p   kicad-locale-ko                 - Korean locale for KiCad                   
p   kicad-locale-lt                 - Lithuanian locale for KiCad               
p   kicad-locale-nl                 - Netherlands locale for KiCad              
p   kicad-locale-pl                 - Polish locale for KiCad                   
p   kicad-locale-pt                 - Portuguese locale for KiCad               
p   kicad-locale-ru                 - Russian locale for KiCad                  
p   kicad-locale-sk                 - Slovak locale for KiCad                   
p   kicad-locale-sl                 - Slovenina locale for KiCad                
p   kicad-locale-sv                 - Swedish locale for KiCad                  
p   kicad-locale-zh                 - Chinese locale for KiCad                  
i   kicad-nightly                   - Electronic schematic and PCB design softwa
p   kicad-nightly-dbg               - Debug symbols for kicad                   
i A kicad-nightly-demos             - Common files used by kicad                
i   kicad-nightly-footprints        - Kicad footprints (modules)                
i   kicad-nightly-libraries         - meta-package for dep to all KiCad librarie
i   kicad-nightly-packages3d        - Kicad packages3d (3d models for footprints
i   kicad-nightly-symbols           - Kicad symbols (schematic)                 
i   kicad-nightly-templates         - Kicad templates                           
i A kicad-packages3d                - Kicad packages3d (3d models for footprints
i A kicad-symbols                   - Kicad symbols (schematic)                 
i A kicad-templates                 - Kicad templates                           
p   libglm-kicad-dev                - C++ library for OpenGL GLSL type-based mat
p   libglm-kicad-doc                - documentation for the OpenGL Mathematics (

This is the repo I pointed to.


The kicad package there is the “kicad-nightly” package.
So kicad upgraded itself to 202102021520+c98c7cf200~101~ubuntu20.04.1 which is 5.99

Question now is should I try and fix the symbols issue, or uninstall and go back to stable 5.1.9

In your situation I would probably:

  1. Make backups of your own KiCad projects.
  2. Uninstall Kicad.
  3. Remove those repositories.
  4. Add the repositories mentioned on: https://kicad.org/download/ubuntu/
  5. Install KiCad again.

Thanks, uninstalled and re-installed back to 5.1.9

Luckily I had just fixed my backup script the night before. Had to restore one of the projects as in 5.99 I saved the changes when it converted the PCB.

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