Upgrade from 5.1 to 6 broken on Ubuntu apt

Note for future me and others:

Upgrading via apt on ubuntu is broken
How to fix:

$ sudo apt remove kicad
$ sudo apt autoremove
$ sudo rm -rf /usr/share/kicad
$ rm -rf ~/.config/kicad
$ rm -rf ~/.config/kicadnightly (if applicable)

Remove ppa sources for any old kicad version, open Settings → About (bottom) → Software Updates → tab Other Software and remove all kicad related ones

$ sudo add-apt-repository --yes ppa:kicad/kicad-6.0-releases
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install --install-recommends kicad

then it should work

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How is it broken? It worked fine for me.

Also, what Ubuntu release are you using?

dunno it didnt work until I did this

Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS

Your repositories are also just text files (as almost anything in linux)

paul@cezanne:~$ ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*ki*

On my Linux Mint box each extra repository has it’s own file in “sources.list.d”, but on other distributions they are in a text file in “/etc/apt/”.

I bought a new PC (or at least the parts for it) around christmas. I think I ran KiCad V5.1.x for a few days before KiCad upgraded itself to V6.0 during a normal system update.
I was not really focusing on that back then though, but I can’t remember any problems.

Thanks for this. Kicad 6 seemed to loose the footprints after 5->6 4 me.

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