Update pcb grayed out

somehow my schematic lost association with the pcb. Now the update pcb is grayed out in both the schematic editor and the pcb editor in the pull down menus and the update pcb does not show up on the toolbar. Therefore, I cannot add components.

Is there a way to reestablish this association?
running on a Mac

never mind, it started working. I closed program and reopened multiple times. finally came up in schematic from several days ago?? I closed it out and it started working again.

If you open the PCB Editor or the Schematic Editor directly from your OS, then KiCad works in “stand alone” mode. In this mode, there is no connection between a schematic and a PCB. This mode also enables some extra menu options.

For a connection to exist between the schematic and the PCB, you always have to create a project, and then open the sub programs of KiCad from within the project manager.


Thanks Paul. I have done it both ways, but didn’t know there was a difference. Makes more sense now.

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