Update PCB from Schematic (v5)


What exactly can be directly updated from the schematic with this new tool / feature ?

It works for components values, but not for references (which require a netlist update) and probably not for net names. It seems it is not documented yet.

It will do everything, that the old way of generating a netlist and importing it into pcbnew did before. It is pushing the netlist information directly without generating the file.

You don’t ever need to generate a netlist anymore. Renaming nets definitely works and what do you mean by references? If you change the reference number on a part, on the pcbnew side you can decide if you want to import changes by reference number or timestamp just like before.

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Thanks for your reply.

I didn’t notice the reference / timestamp option.

Indeed, reference modification now works if the update is done by matching the timestamp. Excellent !

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