Update PCB from Schematic NOT Updating PCB

A technical correction for you to ponder . . .

24V 15A DC

Direct current applies to Amperes.

And another technical problem:

According to the Kicad Calculator, tracks on the PCB at the very minimum need to be 12.5mm wide.
How will you place them when you start the PCB?
How, and what do you use for plugs?
How do you place the switch?

To me, this looks like you should be connecting everything with wires except maybe the LEDs and their resistors and their connector.
Is it worth creating a PCB for two LEDs, two resistors and one three pin connector?

I recently finished my schematic utilizing all comments received from users. Modifications were needed since the above schematic was uploaded. My biggest problem was finding a compatible power port and switch to handle the 24v 15a DC input. Then I had to create my own symbols in KiCAD. So I am now on the next steps (PCB Editor) to lay out all the components, which I have successfully added and all footprints passed.
For instance. The power connector will be mounted on a panel, with the wires connected to the power switch, which will also be mounted on the panel. The switch will have wires connecting to a terminal block on the new aux board. Power will then be distributed as needed to the printers main board and fan thru terminal blocks positioned at the opposite side of the aux board.

Thanks Raptor, noted…

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