Update footprint not working


I modifies the foot print and went back to PCB editor. then I
-Click '‘update PCB from schematic’
-Click '‘update footprint from library’

my old footprint stays. no update . restarted Kicad, and computer, nothing works. But I add another component, the the new footprints shows for that particular part. I think there is a bug. Anyone else experience this situation ?

have you set the update-options in the update-dialog-window?

Look at the whole picture.

What is the library name for this footprint?
KiCad’s default libraries are by default read-only and they should always remain so.
Manage copies of the default library footprints in your own libraries!

The “root” of a “Part” is the schematic symbol in KiCad, and the schematic symbol holds the link to the footprint. Is the footprint link in the schematic pointing to the right library and footprint combination?

Oops, I had not seen it was a two month old topic…

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