Update diff pair trace/space dimensions for routed pairs?

I have a high-speed board that is already designed and we are updating the stackup and dielectric materials for the next version to reduce the loss tangent and effective attenuation for some of the longer high-speed (5 Gbps) pairs.

Because of this, I need to update the trace width and differential pair gap for all diff pairs on the board, but I can’t seem to find a tool or function to update / retrace the already routed diff pairs. Does anyone have a method on how to do this without having to completely reroute the board?

sadly there is no atm, so you would have to adjust them manually with the updated track widths and clearances or redraw them.

I would do it with a editor, editing the *.kicad_pcb document manually (making a backup before of course, so you don’t lose your PCB when you mess up something). Alternative is to use you favourite scripting language.

I was hopping there would be a better way, but since no one mentioned one so far, there is probably no one.

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