Unusual shape of the paths

Dear all,

I would like to draw a similar electrode to presented in this figure (B and C) (https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Microfabrication-of-gold-microelectrodes-A-Microfabrication-process-flow-i_fig2_337267506).

Is it possible to draw it with KiCad? Should I modify the layout of specific elements?

Kicad is oriented to PCB production. This hardly looks like a PCB application so I wonder if Kicad is the right tool to think about using? Maybe a regular CAD program? I’m not saying Kicad can’t be used but normally delicate shaping is recommended to be done in Freecad with the help of @maui 's Kicad StepUp: a Seamless ECAD/MCAD PCB Data Integration

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