Unknown shape on PCB that I can't find on the footprint

I have a test point (TestPoint:TestPoint_Pad_1.0x1.0mm) on a PCB (bottom). The test point is from a built in library.

I was looking at the runs before getting things ready to purchase boards.
I ran across a shape I didn’t understand. See yellow arrow in the below.
(In this screenshot the footprint editor is on the left and the PCB layout on the right.

By the color it should be copper. Its outside the mask area. However when I look at the foot print in the FP editor I can’t see this shape.

I would like to know what it represents if only for my peace of mind.


It’s just the clearance line, isn’t it? They can be shown or hidden in Preferences → PCB Editor → Display options.

Yes, thank you. What confused me (in addition to not realizing what it was) is that is had rounded corners where nothing else had.

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