It would be so much easier if there was a way to reference which unit each pin belongs to. It doesn’t seem possible now and if I look in the schematic file each unit has it’s own uuid. Is there a way to implement this functionality? Something like:
I’m using KiCad since V4 (2017) and I have few multi-unit symbols defined by me (I use only my own libraries), but I completely don’t know where you are with what you ask.
If I don’t know what’s going on, I shouldn’t say anything at all - probably it is the best way I should go.
But, as I don’t know what’s going on, I can suppose that may be you (as probably new KiCad user)
are just trying to do something the way I have never even know it exists and I can’t be sure if it is the good way of doing things.
I have defined my symbols using only KiCad User interface, but as it was when KiCad was V5 I don’t remember details.
Are you sure you are going the correct way with what you want to do?
If yes - I have no more questions.
If no - explain in few words where you are in KiCad and why you are there and what is the purpose of doing what you do?
When you edit the unit you see what pins belong to it. What, and why any more you need?
This is an example of what I’m trying to achieve. Why? So my FPGA guy can check, in order of pin number, what the pin name is, to which unit it belongs and to which net it is connected when we do our design review.
It is doable right now BUT I have to manually check which pin belongs to which unit when I build the text box. I would like to have a variable that resolves to which unit a certain pin belongs.
I suppose these who understand the problem now know more and may be will say something. I have never used ICs with so many pins. My multi-unit symbols are for LVC2G14 and LVC2G17.