Unexplained "dimmness" of KiCAD

So I have been finding that KiCAD has been getting dimmer. At first I thought I was imagining it/it was my eyes but… see the screenshot below. Two projects, settings the same as far as I can tell… but one the planes are barely visible, really hard to work with.

I actually have another project where this effect is extreme to the point it is almost totally unuseable.

This is not a Kicad classic theme thing, it’s not net highlighting…The {}{}{ keys seem to do nothing… It’s like there is some invisible setting that has spontaneously changed.

It might be systematically worse on projects imported from KiCAD7 to 8… But it might also be that my sample size is not big enough.

To be clear, in1 is entirely filled with ground plane on both and should be the same colour and very visible… The green bits should be the same on both.

Check out the Objects tab on the appearance panel. You can set the transparency/opacity of different types of objects independently.

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Wow cheers, so simple and I never even knew that existed. Any insight into why this spontaneously is different in different projects? I have not been changing it…

The setting is maintained per-project and stored in the local settings file (.kicad_prl). If you are collaborating with someone else and sharing the same kicad_prl file (which normally should be excluded from version control systems and synchronization across computers in other ways), you could be seeing their changes.

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