Unexpected transistor behaviour in simulation

I agree. It looks like the BJT goes into saturation with a base current around 300uA, which is reasonable. Why do you not expect this result?

Thanks again for the helpful hints. And sorry for torturing the transistor :sob:.

I eliminated the batteries and reduced the current, I also used a global label named output:

The transistor now shows two different gains V(output):

I also understand that the -480mV @ 5mA is not driven by the +5V supply, but by the current supply.

I may still be torturing the transistor in a way I should not do in an actual application, but I hope I validated that the simulation model is correct. Thanks again for the feedback.

If you have additional hints that I can learn from I’d be happy.

This is also wrong. I sketched the circuit myself, but used a BC557 model (I’ve never heard of a BC585, did you mean BC558? Or BC858?).
These are the traces:
first, a -5…+5 mA sweep of I1 showing the voltage across R1:

The right side looks normal, yes?

Now let’s have a bit of fun. Here’s the base voltage for the same plot:

See the problem? your current source needs to generate over 1 kV at the base to force -5 mA into the base.
Not really practical, I’d say. Poor transistor.

Here’s the schematic:

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+5V symbol is only a label. It not gives 5V supply. So at your schematic emitter is not connected with anything.

And the model is tested to be wrong :slight_smile: . Real transistor having reverse polarized b-e junction will be working like Zener diode. I would rather expect 10V (b-e) so about 15V at base.

I’m fully aware of that. I just wanted to drive home the point that you shouldn’t operate/simulate devices outside their envelope.

Well, that’s one difference between simulators and reality. Once the magic smoke is released from your BJT it won’t work anymore, but the simulator does not release the smoke (I guess it stores it somewhere) and puts the magic smoke back in the BJT once it’s parameters get within sensible ranges again.

But I do think this part is relevant for OP:

I guess he has very limited experience with electronics, and has not realized that the collector “suddenly” jumping to (almost) +5V when the transistor goes into saturation is perfectly normal and expected behavior. Pioter at least mentioned that OP’s last screenshot does not make sense because the transistor has no power on it’s emitter.

Thanks for the input and the remarks.

My original question was: how do I validate if the simulation model of my transistor is correct? What would have been a good circuit to test it, instead of demonstrating how wrong the current schematic is.

Any working circuit with a BJT would work.

I already mentioned (and apparently you discarded):

It starts with a bunch of quite big schematics, but if yo look further down there are some simple ones too such as:

  • Phase shift oscillator.
  • Quartz crystal oscillator.
  • astable.

And I am a bit surprised that the classical transistor amplifier with 4 resistors (and some capacitors) is not among those examples, but it’s also easy enough to draw that circuit and verify it yourself. Just showing the DC voltages and currents from it’s operating point is already a clear indication whether the transistor model works. But the most important thing is knowing what BJT’s are and how they work. The way you started with pushing 500mA into the base of a poor PNP BJT just does not make sense. Small signal transistors have an Hfe of a few hundred, and the BC585 has a maximum collector current of 50mA. And therefore it will saturate for any base current higher then a few hundred micro amp.

Previously you wrote:

And we responded with posting that this is indeed the expected behavior. Have you figured out now why this is the expected behavior?

I’m not familiar with the ‘classical 4 resistors and some capacitors’ circuit. I guess it could be something like this:


How does one use this to validate the transistor model? Just use various combinations of resistor values and manually check if the current through Re is as expected? My take was to drive the base directly, although I started with a current which was way too high.

From the other post, I ran the bip-osc.kicad_pro simulation:

This seems to be an oscillator driven by a constant voltage with spikes on it at every second. In a transient simulation, the oscillator resonated but I did not see much influence of the spikes. The intent of the schematic is not documented. I guess the spikes are intended to start resonance? I thought the schematic is way to complex to validate my transistor model.

I’m not sure if I understand the transistor behaviour in my simulation. The bf (if I’m correct similar to Hfe) in my model is 300. So if I want to drive 50 mA through the resistor (according to this datasheet the BC558 can drive 100mA), I would need a base current of 50/300 = 160uA to drive the full 5V through the 100 ohm resistor. This looks correct:


In my simulation the transistor becomes conductive at positive currents (0…160uA in the graph below), but with lower gain an non-linear behaviour. Is this unintended use or expected behaviour?

Yes that’s it. Even without any input signal (on the base normally coupled in with a capacitor) you can have ngSpice calculate the operating point and show the DC voltages in the schematic.

For the rest, it’s all pretty much off topic.This forum is for learning how to work with KiCad. not for how BJT’s work.

Treat emitter as GND (for npn GND will be (-), for pnp GND will be (+)).
Supply base with voltage source in serie with 100k resistor. In test change this voltage from 0 to 5V (+ or - depending of npn or pnp).
Connect collector by 1k resistor to 5V (+ or - depending on pnp or npn).

Ideal voltage sources are closer to what we have in real live than ideal current sources. Because of this it is better/simpler to use only voltage sources.

For example.
Everyone knows that “DC current is blocked by capacitors so only AC current flows through them.”
Try to simulate it with ideal current source and you will se that DC current can flow through capacitor infinitely.
Using ideal current source reverse polarizing semiconductor junction was your main mistake.
If you would use current source made from elements (transistor with base set at specified voltage with resistor in emitter) you would not get kVolts in simulation.

That is very much what he built in his first simulation, but apparently henkjan has trouble with interpreting the result from his simulation.

If you put that into your first simulation instead of the 500mA or 5mA, the results may be easier to interpret.

Gain of a transistor (Beta, Hfe, all the same) depends on a lot of variables, and it’s not a constant. Therefore non-linear behavior is normal and expected.

Is this what you mean Piotr? Emitter is now connected to ground, and collector is connected to +5V through a 1k resistor. I swept the voltage of V2 between 0 and 5V. V2 is driving the base via a 100k resistor.

This is the response (red = V_output, blue=I_R1):

So output is hardly changing from 5V to about 4.6V. Impedance of the transistor remains low.

The BC558 can drive 100mA, so I would say R2 can also be 50 ohm.

As bf=300, the current through the base may be 0.1/300 = 333 µA to get the transistor to drive the 100mA

However, the base current does not become higher than 40 µA, and the collector current does not exceed 420µA, so the output voltage hardly drops below 5V. Perhaps I am connecting the base incorrectly. Did you have another test circuit in mind?

Do you use a .model parameter set for a PNP?

The voltage source polarities are wrong for a PNP transistor.

Did you set the pin sequence? Your transistor symbol has collector 2, base 1, emitter 3. ngspice requires collector 1, base 2, emitter 3.

Except that 5V/100k = 50uA and not 500mA :slight_smile:

Yes, but for pnp you should reverse voltage source symbols or change their values to negative.

Read once more:

You used pnp and made GND being (-). Wrong.

Yes, and he used a current source instead of a voltage source with base resistor, and he put it on 5V instead of GND. Just details.

The bigger problem here is that henkjan has some trouble with keeping NPN and PNP transistors apart.

Yes. All these are details.
But it is hard for me to treat 10 000 times higher current as detail so I have mentioned this one parameter, but with :slight_smile:

You are correct to want to validate the models. The typical approach here would be to solve a basic transistor circuit by hand, and then compare the simulation results to it. If you cannot confidently solve this basic circuit by hand, then if you jump into a simulation you are walking into a minefield.

The questions you are asking seem simple, and to an analog electrical engineer, they are very basic. However, they are not really that simple and unless you work develop a little more understanding of basic bipolar transistor operation, there will just be this constant back and forth because each short answer will lead to another question.

Normally I would recommend a text like Sedra and Smith’s Microelectronics, or perhaps The Art of Electronics by Horowitz and Hill. If you don’t want to go there, try here: https://www.eevblog.com/forum/beginners/.


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