Undesired shape generated in Gerber

I’ve a problem with a pcb gerber. I made it and sule DRC check with pcbnew but when i export gerber file it generates strange circular shape that I never draw in pcb new.
I used also the plugin round shape provided on the website, I don’t know if it matters.

Has anyone had the same problem?
This is my board and gerber

Which KiCad version are you using? The color scheme looks like the old KiCad versions. Also could you post the images in higher resolution?

It is a know bug from old version of CAM350 used mainly by manufacturers in asia look at the threads below

Hi!, Thanks for your reply. I’m using KJicad 7 but i choose the old color style for pcb new :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

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That sounds alright. However I’d still recommend using KiCad 8 by now. This will probably not fix your issue though

To these circles show in KiCad’s own Gerber viewer?

yes, I can see it opening gerber with Kicad’s gerberview

Hi, I read the attached threads but in my case I have problems opening my same files exported with pcbNew with the same gerberview as kicad.
Other people had this problem with the maker of the pcb.

If it shows in KiCad itself, it’s not related to CAM350.
The way forward then becomes to verify whether this still happens in KiCad V8 and / or in the current KiCad-nightly version. If it goes away, you can continue your project with V8. If it persists then you can create an issue for it on gitlab, but they will need a project that shows your problem. If you are worried about intellectual property in your project, you can either submit a small part of the project (It’s quite possible a single footprint is enough), or your issue on gitlab can be made private, and then very few people are able to see it.

Hi paul, I solved my problem updating Kicad to V8, without modify at my scheme. Thanks for your help.


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