I created a component placement routing with teardrops then modified the routing and while I can delete the traces and even the component, the teardrop geometry remains. I can’t select it, though hiding the copper layer hides it and hiding zones hides it along with the other teardrops. the zone outline view looks a little twisted and none of the repair tools seem to touch it and it gets exported in a layer export and shows in 3D view.
Is there any way to delete this other than starting over?
First, copy the version information from Help → About → Copy Version Info and paste it here. (Always when you ask a question about some problem or feature.)
Which tools exactly, and what options you tried?
If possible – unless the design is confidential – you could attach a problematic zipped project here. Preferably in a state before the problem, telling us exact steps which lead to the problem, so that anyone can follow the step by step instructions blindly and reach the same state.
I cleared it, but I’m still not sure what created the problem. The solution was Edit->Edit Teardrops->[·] Remove teardrops->[OK] then redo by selecting [·] Add teardrops with default values for shape checked and the weird ones were deleted and all good ones recreated.
I did try to go through the .pcb file looking for teardrop coordinates and I think I found the entry, but being unfamiliar with the file format I tried the above solution rather than deleting the entry that seemed responsible and possibly creating some subtle file error that would bite me later.
The original file should persist in the sync version history store so I may be able to do a little more experimenting if that might help narrow it down, but for my needs this was a viable solution.
That does look like the same issue. A work around is to delete all teardrops and then recreate them, which was fine for me as I didn’t customize them individually.