"Unconnected Items" but looks Connected to Me

Hi all,

I am nearly done with my design, if there just would not be the unconnected items list.
It tells me that 5 items are not connected, but I am sure that it is connected.

Is this a bug or is there something wrong with my design?

If more information are needed please tell me.

I am thankful for any hint.
Thanks and regards!

It looks like it is saying the front copper and the back copper aren’t connected. Maybe you need to drop some vias?

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Actually not. Those are normal signal lines.

The same signal line (same net but different layer) goes exactly through the same coordinates.
Could thie be a problem?

If they are the same net the DRC wants to see them connected SOMEWHERE. If they aren’t connected somewhere the DRC is correct. The same net, regardless of layer, needs to be connected to all segments. Are they connected in a way the DRC might not pick up for reasons such as internal connections in a component?

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Got it. I connected all signals on the corresponding layer, but did not connect the both layers :zipper_mouth_face:

Thanks mate!

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