Unable to get footprint for the schematic in Eeschema

when I try to get footprint for my schemeatic in Eeschema I am getting error message and also not getting footprint for schematic ,how to troubleshoot this problem

Error messages i am getting in Eeschema:

Footprint library path “$(KICAD6_FOOTPRINT_DIR)/Connector_Dsub.pretty” does not exist
Footprint library path “D:\KiCad\KiCad projects\Led and Resistor/libs/pic_programmer_fp.pretty” does not exist
Footprint library path “${KICAD6_FOOTPRINT_DIR}/Jumper.pretty” does not exist
Footprint library path “${KICAD6_FOOTPRINT_DIR}/Inductor_THT.pretty” does not exist
Footprint library path “${KICAD6_FOOTPRINT_DIR}/MountingHole.pretty” does not exist
Footprint library path “$(KICAD6_FOOTPRINT_DIR)/LED_THT.pretty” does not exist
Footprint library path “$(KICAD6_FOOTPRINT_DIR)/Package_DIP.pretty” does not exist
Footprint library path “${KICAD6_FOOTPRINT_DIR}/Package_TO_SOT_THT.pretty” does not exist
Footprint library path “${KICAD6_FOOTPRINT_DIR}/TerminalBlock_Altech.pretty” does not exist

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