Unable to draw trace after update footprint

After I made a change in the footprint on the schematic and update pcb from schematic, i’m not able to draw a track again. When I select the component it shows the missing nets (white lines) only when I click on the pad then try to draw a track it simply won’t safe te path I draw.

Simply start at PIN 1 -> draw a line mouse click, won’t safe the draw track.

Even when I delete a track already draw, it’s not possible to draw that track again.

See the link for a video Video for explain

I sometimes get small segments of track hidden under other tracks, that then cause this sort of problem.
One reason that we have the “show tracks in outline mode” icon on the left.

  1. To record such video you can use Licecap to record a gif. Much more efficient.

  2. Can you draw the trace from pad to pad?

It looks like a bug to me.
The first occurrence is @00:15. At that point the track you’re drawing is normally finalized when it connects to the other GND track.

Also, Three yellow ratsnest lines @00:22 looks weird.

It is not this:

After pressing [Esc] all track segments (except the last) should be finalized and stay on the PCB.

No this is not possible.

I can share the kicad files if that will help.

If this bug can be reproduced by your project then it is indeed useful to share it here.

Does the issue persist when you exit KiCad and start it again?

Can you add some instructions that gets KiCad into a state that reproduces this bug? Which footprint did you update? (all of them?) What other changes?

I delete the whole PCB and try to create a new PCB still the same problem with drawing traces.
I made a rar file with the project files.


Indeed! Although gif isn’t good for video. Why not just use a proper screencast program. ShareX is a very good screenshot program for Windows and can also take screencasts easily. File size will be 1/100. Yes, really! 62MB is incredibly large for a 23 second screencast, and this one doesn’t even work correctly, VLC has some problems with it. MP4 and other video formats can be attached here to be viewed directly.

Hi Eelik, thank you for the reply and advice about the software. I’m a new user and not allowed to place attachments yet.

What I did after 3 days frustration is taking my phone and film the whole thing, if you prefer I can make a new one if you think that will solve my problem.

New video on request :slight_smile:


You seem to be using the accelerated canvas, but rendering of tracks is weird. However, that shouldn’t affect the actual functionality. I can route fine here on Linux.

What’s your exact KiCad version (Help -> About -> Copy Version Info)?

What are your router settings (Route -> Interactive Router Settings)?

What’s your graphics hardware (although this shouldn’t be the problem, it would be interesting to know why it’s rendered that way)?

Hi Eelik,

Switching from accelerated canvas to lagacy and back did the job (F9 button -> F11 button).

Thank you for pointing it out!

KiCad version: 5.9.1.
Router Settings:

Lenovo L450 Laptop -> Intel Graphics 5500

Hi, Eelik: I am no software expert. I learned about Licecap from customer service at Foxit (pdf utility) and have used it to post .gifs associated with bug reports on this forum etc. I had no idea how to produce a video such as screencast; did not know what that was…so that is good to know about. When I have posted a 10 second .gif it might be ~1 MB; does a screencast tend to be a bit larger? I can see where screencast is better for instructional videos but .gifs seem to be adequate to demonstrate bugs.

Screencast means just a video of the screen, and the gif videos we are talking about are also screencasts. The gif format isn’t meant for videos, a gif animation is several consecutive gif images. It was a handy way to show short videos in web pages back when real video formats weren’t supported so well.

For example, I have mp4 screencasts here on Linux which I have used here and in bug reports. They seem to be about 1MB/minute. It depends on the compression level which can be selected before taking the video or the video can be re-encoded smaller afterwards. It depends also on the content: largely monochrome background and less moving objects make smaller file. Real HD video file is of course much larger.

Gif video isn’t bad for screencast, but it’s annoying when it’s embedded and can’t be handled like a video. It just loops over and over again, which was the original purpose of the format AFAIK.

There is no .kicacd_pcb file in the rar

We don’t use .net files anymore either.

Anyway I can open your schematic ind import into a pcb
Then I can connect U3 to C6 no problems

Walk around routing mode prevents a new track moving an existing one and I think that may be linked

Thanks I was completely unfamiliar with the “screencast” term and with ShareX software. I see that the installl file is small so I downloaded and installed it but have not yet tried it out. It looks like ShareX can produce .gifs as well as other formats. If I like it well enough then I might decide that Licecap is redundant.

Yes when I think of gifs I mainly think of basic animations such as a hammer hitting a nail over and over for example. But I have used gif animations several times to document software issues and they seem to work OK.

I have found that it is better to delete the old footprint on pcbnew before updating it with the new netlist containing the new footprint. Then the ratsnest should display the new connections needed. I also delete the existing traces to the old part before the netlist update and then redraw them just to be safe—you CAN just place the new footprint where the old one was and hope the traces match, but I’m not that trusting.

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