'u' and 'i' commands in pcbnew opengl mode?

I came across this posting:

…and was surprised to learn about the ‘u’ and ‘i’ commands, that apparently only work in opengl mode. I notice that ‘u’ and ‘i’ don’t show up in my list of hotkeys, and searching the manual and internet doesn’t come up with much (although I haven’t looked at the source yet). It appears that ‘i’ highlights the entire net, and ‘u’ does something a little more subtle, highlighting less than than the whole net. At first I thought it was just picking the run between to pads or vias, but testing more examples indicates that’s not quite right.

Anyone with a pointer handy to flesh out these commands (and others ones I may have missed)? This is with v4.0.7.



“Edit Hotkeys” in OpenGL has a list of the hotkeys.

Edit: At least in the nightlies. I’m not sure how many of the hotkeys active in the nightly releases also work in 4.0.7 but the defaults are listed below:

shortcut “?”: “Help (this window)”
shortcut “F1”: “Zoom In”
shortcut “F2”: “Zoom Out”
shortcut “F3”: “Zoom Redraw”
shortcut “F4”: “Zoom Center”
shortcut “Home”: “Zoom Auto”
shortcut “@”: “Zoom to Selection”
shortcut “Alt+3”: “3D Viewer”
shortcut “Ctrl+U”: “Switch Units”
shortcut “Space”: “Reset Local Coordinates”
shortcut “S”: “Set Grid Origin”
shortcut “Z”: “Reset Grid Origin”
shortcut “Ctrl+Z”: “Undo”
shortcut “Ctrl+Y”: “Redo”
shortcut “Return”: “Mouse Left Click”
shortcut “End”: “Mouse Left Double Click”
shortcut “}”: “Increment Layer Transparency”
shortcut “{”: “Decrement Layer Transparency”

Board Editor

shortcut “K”: “Track Display Mode”
shortcut “Del”: “Delete Track or Footprint”
shortcut “BkSp”: “Delete Track Segment”
shortcut “X”: “Add New Track”
shortcut “V”: “Add Through Via”
shortcut “Alt+Shift+V”: “Add Blind/Buried Via”
shortcut “Ctrl+V”: “Add MicroVia”
shortcut “<”: “Select Layer and Add Through Via”
shortcut “Alt+<”: “Select Layer and Add Blind/Buried Via”
shortcut “/”: “Switch Track Posture”
shortcut “D”: “Drag Track Keep Slope”
shortcut “P”: “Place Item”
shortcut “C”: “Copy Item”
shortcut “M”: “Move Item”
shortcut “F”: “Flip Item”
shortcut “R”: “Rotate Item”
shortcut “Ctrl+M”: “Move Item Exactly”
shortcut “Ctrl+R”: “Position Item Relative”
shortcut “Ctrl+D”: “Duplicate Item”
shortcut “Ctrl+Shift+D”: “Duplicate Item and Increment”
shortcut “Ctrl+N”: “Create Array”
shortcut “G”: “Drag Item”
shortcut “T”: “Get and Move Footprint”
shortcut “L”: “Lock/Unlock Footprint”
shortcut “Ctrl+S”: “Save Board”
shortcut “Ctrl+Shift+S”: “Save Board As”
shortcut “Ctrl+L”: “Load Board”
shortcut “Ctrl+F”: “Find Item”
shortcut “E”: “Edit Item”
shortcut “Ctrl+E”: “Edit with Footprint Editor”
shortcut “PgDn”: “Switch to Copper (B.Cu) layer”
shortcut “F5”: “Switch to Inner layer 1”
shortcut “F6”: “Switch to Inner layer 2”
shortcut “F7”: “Switch to Inner layer 3”
shortcut “F8”: “Switch to Inner layer 4”
shortcut “Shift+F5”: “Switch to Inner layer 5”
shortcut “Shift+F6”: “Switch to Inner layer 6”
shortcut “PgUp”: “Switch to Component (F.Cu) layer”
shortcut “+”: “Switch to Next Layer”
shortcut “-”: “Switch to Previous Layer”
shortcut “O”: “Add Footprint”
shortcut “W”: “Switch Track Width To Next”
shortcut “Ctrl+W”: “Switch Track Width To Previous”
shortcut “Alt+1”: “Switch Grid To Fast Grid1”
shortcut “Alt+2”: “Switch Grid To Fast Grid2”
shortcut “N”: “Switch Grid To Next”
shortcut “Shift+N”: “Switch Grid To Previous”
shortcut “H”: “Toggle High Contrast Mode”
shortcut “F9”: “Switch to Legacy Canvas”
shortcut “F12”: “Switch to Cairo Canvas”
shortcut “F11”: “Switch to OpenGL Canvas”
shortcut “B”: “Fill or Refill All Zones”
shortcut “Ctrl+B”: “Remove Filled Areas in All Zones”
shortcut “U”: “Select Trivial Connection”
shortcut “I”: “Select Copper Connection”
shortcut “E”: “Routing Options”
shortcut “Q”: “Custom Track/Via Size”
shortcut “P”: “Differential Pair Dimensions”
shortcut “’”: “Increase Via Size”
shortcut “”: “Decrease Via Size”

The presentation in the software makes the modes look like nothing more than different rendering engines. However, that’s not the case. They’re closer to different versions of the application (with different implementations of all the tools, different selection semantics, different right-button menu structures, etc.).

If you haven’t used OpenGL much, give it a try. It’s a whole 'nother ball game.