Typical THT resistor dimensions

Hello All,
I am new to EAD and was having trouble with assigning THT resistors footprints. The Kicad footprint list is fairly straight forward in nomenclature, but I was having trouble with knowing what different resistors have as far as dimensions. I thought others may have the same trouble. I inserted a chart I found online.

It came from this website: tech-sparks

That’s good - thank you.

You have to beware that a 0.5W commercial rating is the same size as a 0.25W Mil temperature rating

Thank you for that info, because I have a bunch of mil spec resistors that I scored years ago from Hughes Aircraft when they were dumping inventory. I was under the impression that mil spec was more closer tolerance and more robust. :+1:

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Often resistors are the same part for commercial and military. Just the greater temperature range of military causes the power derating. Because they are specified over a smaller range, it is easier to get the very tight tolerances in commercial.
In ancient times, it was common for military to be 2% metal oxide, when commercial was often 5% carbon film. Carbon film is almost gone these days.