Tying Globals to Buses across Pages

Just discovered that you if you have list of words separated by spaces (like in a sentence) in a text editor, then you can copy it and paste it in the alias list. Each word will become a member of the alias list.

Yeah, that’s how I was using it, very efficient, very helpful feature. However, at some level I’ve broken members lists - I’m not getting anything besides my bus name in the unfold list. Troubleshooting continues>

Aha, just discovered what I was doing wrong: For some reason, I thought the alias entered into the Schematic Setup dialog had to have curly braces like it does when you use it in the drawing. As will surprise none of you, this is incorrect. The Members reappear when you unadorn the Alias of its curly braces in the Setup dialog. D’oh!

Which leads me to wonder, why can’t the manual be a little more specific on hidden features like this? I was reduced to guessing and A/B tests. It would have saved me a couple of days to have a concise paragraph or two on the subject. Or maybe I’m just missing those?

Doug G.

It is not practical to list all the things you should Not do in a manual. Manuals would become extremely big and boring to read. And besides, the manual already shows this in various ways. First, it has a screenshot of the bus alias list, and second, it is mentioned several times that the curly braces are a part of the group bus syntax, not of the alias list.

Agreed impracticality of listing all the things not to do. I just meant that there seems to be no exposure of the feature that allows the input of multiple alias members via the adding a list in the Schematic Setup dialog. Even you had to discover the feature by (I presume) poking around and experimenting with it. I would have found a simple paragraph describing the existence of the mechanism useful.

P.S. Now that I’ve got all the bus members and global label issues resolved, I’m down to one last difficulty (I hope) on my project, but as it involves a new topic, I’ll post a new question so as to not dilute this thread with yet another topic. Many thanks to everyone for all your help, especially to you, Paulvdh!