Tuning the length of single track is difficult

Other discuss length tuning but they slightly different problems and situation, so I’ll open this.
I need to match the length of each track in a diff pair very accurately, better than 0.15mm. I have two figures of length, one in status bar and the second in Appearence/Net inspector. I could use both. Both figures reguire some effort to get the length value in the clipboard.
When I start the tool, nothing happens. When I click a net, nothing happens, except a track gets selected/high lighted/activated whatever. I gave some target values, and nothing happens. Then I got tired and moved the cursor away, and I got a loop into the track, and the tool said “lengths matched”. But they don’t look like matched, values in status bar and net inspector are different.

It seems straight forward (to me).

Consider thinking about it like this (with example):

• I have a Trace of 50.80mm length (the radius’d ends don’t count)
• I want the Trace-Length to be 100mm (the Target Length)
• Logic, design and clearance’s suggest I can decide to either Use or Limit the amount/regions for the needed extra Trace that will yield the Target length.
Thus, I can play/tweak as needed to dial-in the Panel’s values

The tool will Add length that yields a length close to desired. To get within your 0.15mm will require your effort until iphone can do it (sorry)

It’s up to User to Tweak and adjust values as needed to get final results. I confirm final length with my plugin (or, with the Net Properties panel if trace is on a Net)

ADDED: The average thickness of a human ‘hair’ 0.07mm so, you’re wanting to dial-in a length of two human hairs… really?

I think I understand.

That’s what Raspberry Pi wants. It means it makes sense, doesn’t it?

By the way, what is your plugin?

Yours rightmost plugin?

That Icon looks a lot like:

We’ve had this posted-discussion

I remember now. I wonder who made the plug in I found.

Do you keep on asking the obvious?
The screenshot I posted links to a github page from “OneKiwiTech”. Go have a look over there.

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