Trying to use kikit to panelize a PCB - but when running it, I get an information message:
ufunc ‘create_collection’ not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting rule “Safe”
Any idea what causes it ?
Kikit panelize command used:
kikit panelize^
--layout "hspace: 3mm; vspace: 3mm; vbackbone: 3mm; rows: 2; vbonecut: False; baketext: False" ^
--tabs "type: fixed; vwidth: 5mm; vcount: 3; hcount: 0" ^
--cuts "type: vcuts" ^
--framing "type: frame; hspace: 3mm; vspace: 3mm; maxtotalheight: 100mm; maxtotalwidth: 100mm" ^
--tooling "type: 4hole; hoffset: 2.5mm; voffset: 2.5mm; size: 1.152mm" ^
--fiducials "type: 4fid; hoffset: 5mm; voffset: 2.5mm; coppersize: 1.52mm" ^
--text4 "type: simple" ^
--post "millradius: 1mm; refillzones: True" ^
"H:\Electronics\espirgbani_pio-master-20241222\pcb\rgb.kicad_pcb" "<missingOutput>"