Tooltip not working on mac OS catalina 10.15

I have installed KiCad Mac OSDN version : kicad-unified-5.1.9-0-10_14.dmg on my MacOS catalina 10.15.Iam facing issue with the tooltips which used to work perfectly with windows version.The info associated with the tooltip is not showing on mac version. From documentation,i could see that bitmap function supports PICT resources for mac.So,i have converted png images to PICT type and edited as below.

tip_path is the path of images of both png and PICT

SetBitmap(wx.Bitmap( tip_path, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG | wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PICT))
SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(“info to show”))

After making the changes,i have encountered with error “no bitmap handler for type 31 defined” and “no image handler for type 31 defined”

Any help for solving the above issue

Add image handler for PICT

Re tooltips: I’m not an expert on macos UI but don’t they hate tooltips with passion in general and just straight not use them anywhere? Are they even a thing?

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