I would like community opinions on the discoverability user interface. But first try to not think of this as it works for me. Obviously it does since your using the software. But try to think how a new users sees this.
So seems to me that the case sensitive RMB button menu has become over time a bit overloaded. While at the same time the main menu has become a bit underwhelming. The problem with this is:
- discoverability of features suffer since the RMB menu is case sensitive. So it makes it hard to have a overview of what one can do
- And the RMB menu is starting to be a bit on the heavy side. For example nightly fom fewweeks ago has more than 50 entries in the rmb menu. Some that can only be found there
Personally i also find that using things like rmb → shape modification → fillet or the rmb → positioning tools → move with reference is a bit cumbersome for this exact reason. So for example positioning tools should possibly be duplicated in the edit menu.
Also while we are at it some of the tools are modal unnecessarily for example:
- Move item window could easily be non modal
- Same for create polygon form selection
- Fillet lines
- Tuning pattern properties
- …
Okay so i know now your saying that this isnt really high priority* and shouldn’t stop people form developing new tools. Sure, its not a either or thing. This is a good opportunity to enlist new devs to do just this.
Anyway, i will just leave you with a thought that one of the the most successful open source tool with user interface tool is currently Blender. And they really suffered until the made the changes to make the program less quirky (it still is but at least they made the effort to remove the quirks) and their user base skyrocketed. And they now have a lot more Dev power as a result.
* that’s the way the forum hangs i suppose.