That’s not an interesting solution for non-companies.
While I understand and have no issue with the database use-case for some company, where multi-user use cases are important, and there may even be persons repsonsible for keeping this database up-to-date, I don’t think its a good fit for me (or most other individual users).
As a non-professional and solo user, I’m not interested in configuring and filling a database in order to use my EDA tool. I’m perfectly happy using KiCad’s built-in symbol and footprint managers, and the better these are out of the box, the less work I have to do myself.
That’s not the problem…
I disagree. It’s very confusing. Take a symbol like Q_NMOS_GDS
and any given FET footprint, and you won’t be able to say if the pins match the footprint. You’ll have to check each time. As you work with a schematic, changing components due to design changes or parts availability, you have to recheck each time. Often you have to adjust footprints or create variants as the footprint’s PIN numbers don’t match the symbol’s. This process is annoying and error prone.
From my point of view, this would be a significant improvement. Obviously it can’t work for all parts, or BGAs in general, or abstract use-cases like this, but that’s not the case here.
For FETs, and a wide array of other parts, you can assign standardised names to the pins - D,G,S for FETs, B,C,E for BJTs, + and - for Diodes and polarised capacitors, IN+, IN-, OUT for OpAmps and probably quite a few more.
The advantage is clear - one schematic symbol works with a variety of different footprints, regardless of different vendor’s pin numbering conventions.
On the other hand, I don’t see any big advantages of the current system (other than being the status quo, of course), since I don’t think anyone actually benefits from assuming by convention, for example, that pin 1 of a LED is the cathode, only to find out later it isn’t.
And even if they catch the error beforehand, they don’t really benefit from having to edit the footprint or symbol to make things fit the numbering convention.
Thanks for pointing that out, I should have known from the BGA parts… so actually this means KiCad could already do what I envision? And I all I have to do is create some symbols that work in this way? That would be great