Through hole pad, but on one side

I’d like to have a footprint that has a regular through-hole pad, but the copper pad/ring only on the back side (not the front). Is that possible in v6?

In v5 I could select which copper layer a pad should exist on (Front or Back), and this worked fine, but this seems to be removed in v6. I can only choose “front and back” or “connected layers only” which doesn’t seem to update. When I add a track to the back side, copper on both the front and back appear. (Maybe I’m misunderstanding this)

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Talking from experience, a hot soldering iron will lift the pad right off the board when only held on by adhesive.

If it’s hot enough and soldering takes long enough…
It is possible to make single sided boards with hand soldering, but some kind of temperature regulated soldering iron helps, and a little bit of training.

I’m not looking to damage or modify the board in hardware, I want to define the pad as existing only on one copper layer, and not another. I could do this easily in v5, but it seems that this functionality was removed in v6, which is a big problem for me.

A plated through hole where the annular ring is exactly 0 is technically impossible to manufacture. Non-plated through holes without a clearance aren’t manufactured, either. If you need a plated through hole, just create one THT pad with a very narrow annular ring, and add a larger SMD pad over it to one side. Give the same pad number to both pads.

Well right, but in v5 I could easily specify that the copper pad would exist on the back layer only, and this worked fine. This option was removed in v6, and the flexibility with pads was very much reduced, which surprised me. At the very least the geometry should be adjustable per layer.

I’ll use your workaround though, that should work. Thanks.

I dont see any difference in using both the v6 and v5 on this matter. They are OK and the same procedure you use on v6 should be used on v5

Pad properties in v5 allows the selection of F.Cu or B.Cu (or all). v6 does not; there is no way to select B.Cu only, for example.

The flexibility with selecting copper layer was removed in v6.

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