Through Hole Association with Power Layers

I have several through-hole headers many of the pins which connect to ground or my power layer. I am not clear on how I associate the hole with the appropriate power layer. GND here is layer ln2.Cu and power is in ln1.Cu.
Clearly I could place a via next to each pin and connect it (much as I do for pads) but I expect there is a way of editing the individual pins on the header and having them connect directly to the power layer.


Do you have an example .kicad_pcb layout file which you can share here? That’s a basic thing to do, but I don’t know what you’re missing.

One can connect a through hole at any layer. Either by use of a trace or a zone that has the correct net assigned. (A via is after all nothing else than a through hole placed without needing a footprint)

Power planes are made with zones so you really do not need to make anything special here unless the clearance settings of the zone do not directly allow it to connect to the pad. See How to create a power plane (using zones)

OK–I think I see what is happening. I created a very simple circuit to test and it has PWR_FLAG associations to the 3.3V and GND. When I automatically generated the PCB from this I see that KiCAD automatically associated the header pins with the appropriate planes with no further attention. (Other products required something like a “right-click and select-plane” to cause the association. (6.8 KB)

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