There is no way to batch edit pads?

I’m doing something that has a LOT of pins
if you select multiple pins then right click then renumber pads, you’re still forced to click each pin one by one by hand

Yes, of course.
KiCad does not guess in which order you want to renumber them, and lets you renumber them in the order in which you click them. I find this a quite neat feature.

If you have some regular pattern, then you can just create single pad first, and then make an array of it with [RMB] Popup Menu / Special Tools / Create Array [Ctrl + T]. This array tool has quite some funcionality for the order in which pads are numbered.

Hold the mouse button and drag over a row of pads.

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it works, but it is not ideal, I’ll see if you I can do something with autohotkey or any related program

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