There is a footprint error

I am new to kicad, i have designed a simple frequency multiplier and divider , but when I get into pcb editing the following errors occurs, I have checked the footprint library but there i find nothing . so I need some help

Processing symbol ‘SW3:Button_Switch_THT:SW_E-Switch_EG2219_DPDT_Angled’.
Processing symbol ‘U1:’.
Processing symbol ‘U2:’.
Processing symbol ‘U3:’.
Error: Cannot add U1 (no footprint assigned).
Error: Cannot add U2 (no footprint assigned).
Error: Cannot add U3 (no footprint assigned).

Go back to the schematic editor and assign footprints for U1, U2 and U3.

Do it either from the menu Tools > Assign Footprints or from the icon in the top bar:

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I have done that but there is no footprint of the chips , so then I downloaded the footprints and add it to kicad ,the problem is solved now , thanks for your help <3

If the chips are in one of the standard packages like SOIC or DIP, you can use the generic footprints in the KiCad foorprint library.

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The OP is using 3rd party footprints and probably symbols