The Topic/Post Search Doesn't Recognize Spaces

I just signed up today as I’ve finally decided to learn KiCAD after using Omation’s Schema III schematic capture program since the 1980s. So I searched for “schema”. But all I got was words containing “schema” - most obviously “schematic”. In my experience, the best search functions consider [space] a legitimate character and don’t ignore it. I should be able to type “schema[space]” and eliminate hits from “schematic”. Annoying!

You could quote schema thus: " schema ", like a lot of search engines implement. Unfortunately this will miss instances where schema is at the beginning or end of line. What would be nice is a metacharacter like \b in Perl which means word boundary, so one could search for \bschema\b.

Even so, you will get instances where the author really meant schematic.

Anyway there’s not much we can do about this. The forum software is called Discourse and it’s off-the-shelf open source software. If it’s not implemented there, nobody has the time to hack a bespoke version.

You’re right, I didn’t think about the slang use. I’ve never heard it in my circles, but on the web “schema” and “schemo” are often used that way. I was hoping there might also be a user group out there somewhere. Maybe now the floppy disk it came on and it’s great hardbound 3-ring binder manual are collectibles!
Thanks for responding!

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