The difficulty of adding components to Kicad

Hi BC,
First I’m going to make the PCB by eye, in PCB. I’ve got to cheat a bit. This is how I’ve done it so far, as I’ve never got the system to work at any time.

From memory, I had Z_CAMERART_SYMBOLS in a GLOBAL library, as you show in your screen shot, but it then couldn’t find it, when I clicked OK.
I’ll try again later.

As mentioned, I was trying to simply make a circuit using only Kicad PCB, but it isn’t easy without the full benefits of NETs etc.

I have quite a few itterations of this project, on different computers, all with slightly different methods, and I occassionally have another go/practice.

I just opened one, with only 1x components, 1x PIN and a no connect, which I’m sure passed through the sytem, as it should and appeared on the PCB. So I’m pretty sure it’s working. There is an AK8963C.PRETTY in the FOOTPRINT folder, and an AK8963C in the SYMBOL folder. Having said that, I can’t remember how this all happened, and the SYMBOL doesn’t look correct, but somehow, it worked.

I’ll have to re-check, and find out what’s happening, and report back.
Cheers, C

Well, true it may not be easy for some folks. But, for others, it’s very easy. Easy comes from combination of having solved enough of these types of problems. And, once done, next problem is easier… But, difficult for me to solve problems on someone’s computer via posting. And, buggy software adds to the difficulty.

That said, I seldom make Schematics in Kicad (I prefer my own hand-sketched circuits) so, 90% of the time, I simply Drag&Drop Footprints and wire them up. Never a problem (assuming Footrpints are linked to 3D Models, if wanting pretty photos). And, no Netlist is used.


Hi BC,
I am able to only use PCB eidt, until I run across a Kicad problem, like this:

I have to edit a BGA and remove some PADS, but!

**EDIT:**Note the address is not what it’s supposed to be!
So I can proceed, but not as prescribed. I’m kind of getting used to the tangle I’m in, and can almost see where I’m going wrong, but I soon get tangled.

I suspect a combination of your system, Kicad and gremlins.

First, ensure you don’t have spaces in your path (below).

The steps you followed should like, 1,2,3 done!

A user should never mess with files under “Program Files”, the files and folders there are write only. Personal libraries should be located elsewhere, for example under user’s Documents\KiCad.


Hi E,
I think that address, wasn’t done by me, as I have made my own folder, but the system put it there.

So far I am able to edit FOOTPRINTS and they go where I ‘aim’ them, but SYMBOLS, never are accepted, by the system.

Hi BC,

I suspect a combination of your system, Kicad and gremlins

I think you’re correct!
In 6, I eventually got it to add MY SYMBOL LIBRARY, but it wouldn’t let me draw a square or circle. I was allowed to add PINS and TEXT.

I uninstalled 6 and installed 5.1.12.
This allows me to draw squares and circles, but when I added PINS and tried to save, it showed ‘unhandled exception’ and shut down.


I have re-installed 6.
I think I’ve now got it to work, i,e, I have a D:------SYMBOL Library, with an AK8963C in it, and I can edit ok.

Once I’ve followed through and made the PCB, I’ll go over all this again, and try to make an accurate summary of what I did. This of course will be what some of you have said previously, but somehow, I never got all of them in the right order.

Next: Editing the AK8963C. I have the PINs lined up and have seen the PIN table to ‘aim’ each PIN. It doesn’t look correct to me.
Is it correct?

**EDIT:**I tried importing another BGA device, and zooming in it looks the same as mine, so I’ll carry on :slight_smile: