There is ${ISSUE_DATE}
, but is there a way to get the year only? Like in “© ${YEAR}
” for example.
No but you could create a custom ${YEAR} variable
Cool. Would you direct me how to do so?
Then you can use ${YEAR}
in your schematic.
But yes unfortunately, if you update the issue date, you’ll need to update this variable too.
Ok, thanks. Maybe it’s easier to just change the year on the silkscreen after all.
You can use the same text variables in the PCB editor so you can put that in silkscreen and also in your Schematic
Is there away to have a startup script that would update variables every time you start KiCad?
I use text variables in both schematic and pcb to define things I want in the sch title block and text I want on silkscreen and copper. For example, when I copy a project to become the next revision, I just update the variable:
Add the text to the pcb, for example the silk text is ${ASSY-NUM}-${PCB-REV} (and a little white block for a sharpie note). The copper text bits are pulled out of the board here so you can see them (I usually have the copper layer text all on top of each other in an empty corner of the pcb):
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