Text rendering glitches with dark mode desktop theme

Your original color issue is caused by an incomplete GTK theme. KiCad works properly on dark mode in GTK themes that have all the proper colors defined. I don’t know what is involved in tweaking your theme on PopOS but that’s the route to take if you want to fix it.

If you’re going to make that assertion, then please tell me what about the theme is actually incomplete.

In the discussion about this on the issue I wrote about the theme itself, one person commented that:

I believe the problem is that they’re grabbing the text color from a selected GTK TreeView cell, but not the background color. The color should be a light blue, which would still be visible."

And again, other dark themes actually still have this exact same issue. Its just that their color choices don’t make it manifest in a way that harms usability enough to get noticed and cared about.

All I’m asserting is that it works fine on other GTK setups. I haven’t dug into the details of your bug report or how PopOS’s theme works.

Example on Ubuntu:

I also have the same pop-os issue as @dkonigsberg when using dark mode. I have just put up with it as a minor annoyance, but as an example, pop-os light mode shows a highlighted selection properly:

whereas pop-os dark mode shows the highlighted selection in an almost unreadable contrast color:

So I started poking around for another theme, and found Otis. Seems to work properly on this dark-mode highlight issue at least.

I put otis into ~/.themes and used gnome-tweaks to select it.

Much better:

Been playing some more with otis on pop-os (22.04 LTS). It seems that selecting otis actually forces the os back to “light” mode, although otis tidies up the stuff I want dark anyway so I’m not complaining. Here, from os settings, I started in pop-os dark mode:

Then I open gnome-tweaks, and I see it shows pop-dark:

…and I select otis:

When I close tweaks and re-open the os settings I see that “light” mode has been forced, but otis lavendar highlighting and new colored dots for min/max/close are in effect – otis has given this “light” window a dark treatment:

So I guess I don’t really know what pop-os “dark” mode is anymore (the highlighting issue clearly is annoyingAF), but apparently a “theme,” even forcing “light” mode, can do what I want in darkening applications.

In addition to working properly for highlighting, it adds a dark-navy-gray background which contrasts better with the dark-brownish used by pop-os elements.

Also, the highlighting works properly with the nemo file manager – when clicking the “up” button, the breadcrumbs are highlighted to match. This was brain-dead with pop-dark. The reason I added nemo is to get that “up” button, which for some stupid reason is missing from the pop-os-provided nautilus manager. Nautilus renders more image icons than nemo for some reason, so I have them both.

So, fwiw, I have a fix that pleases me.

So I’d just like to offer a little update on that annoying field-blanking bug…

Which is supposedly a bug in wxWidgets:

The field blanking bug is a known bug with upstream wxwidgets that soaked up a huge amount of KiCad developer time trying to track down and fix.

For which I should now have a fix:

We are forcefully upgrading to wx 3.2.1 if our ppa is used for the kicad 7 release.

So I’m now on KiCad v7, from the Ubuntu PPA, which is running with wxWidgets 3.2.1.

The bug isn’t actually gone. Its just changed form to be less annoying.
It also doesn’t seem to manifest as often. But when it does, the text field doesn’t blank. Instead, it accepts keyboard events and lets me type text into it, but it doesn’t show a cursor or act normally.

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