Text in pdf printouts from pcb editor distorted

Hi, I am trying to print out some layers from my pcb to provide as a bonding scheme. This is a zoomed in screen shot from my pcb: (picture missing)

I am using the print option: (picture missing)

However, the pdf generated has very distored text and, also the vias appear far from being circular. Is there any way to fix this? Maybe by improving the resolution of the print.

I have very similar printouts using KiCad 6. I didn’t have this issue back then.
Thanks a lot for your help.

Don’t do that. it’s output is (mostly) horrible, I am not sure why this is even an option. If you use the plot option, then text is preserved and searchable. It also conserves fonts and text scales as vectors.

Thanks, thats much better. Is there a way to prevent zones from being plotted? The output method has an option for using the object visibility in the display settings. Or do I just have to delete them?

If you plot (for example) the TOP layer you will generate all this layer’s tracks, zones, pads… to pdf, gerber, dxf… formats. AFAIK there is no method to avoid that some elements of the layer are plotted and others not.