It is getting hard to find specific components in Eeschema and PCBnew.
For example, lets try to find R1 in Eeschema. Do a Ctrl F and a menu called “Find” pops up. It has a box for a value to be entered and searched for. Using that menu, I can successfully search for part numbers, bus names, wire names, component values , Reference Field, e.g.,
In PCBnew, I can do a CTRL F and successfully search for Reference Fields but not silkscreen text.
How to find silkscreen text?
I just created with this tool with minimal documentation. It will search all text throughout the board, including Reference and Value fields.
Unchangable default (at the moment) is case insensitive, partial word.
It works with recent Nightly versions of KiCad.
KiSelect is a ActionPlugin and is installed similar to other Action Plugins.
Place the file in
C:\Program Files\KiCad\share\kicad\scripting\plugins
Or the equivalent in MacOS or Linux
(there may be a user-level directory for such files, but I am not aware of it at the moment.)
Within KiCad pcbnew, select the Tools > External Plugins > Refresh Plugins
Selection dialog box is shown when the "Select..." menu item is selected.
@KsenijaG: @HiGreg forgot to warn about nightlies:
Nightly is not guaranteed to produce files that can be opened with the stable release. It does not even guarantee that the nightly of yesterday can open a file produced by the nightly of today. (In most cases it works but know what you get into if you decide to use nightlies.)
Thank you for the warning!
Has anyone verified if 4.0.7 Stable supports ActionPlugins? If so, if anyone tests with 4.07 Stable, I’d be grateful if you report whether it works or not.