TestPoint Pad 3d,Guber Can the shapes be different?


I upgraded from V6 to V8.04.

I captured 4 screens showing the information and shape of the hole, and there is something strange.

  1. Hole shape in the property display and hole shape in Guber View
  2. Hole shape in PCB Layout and hole shape in 3D View

There are cases where the hole shape is different. Is it a bug?

If you edit the properties again, you can make them all the same.

You have some mismatch in properties. It’s “NPTH”, by definition it shouldn’t have copper because it’s “non-plated”. But KiCad allows different size for the NPTH pad and the hole of it, and if the copper layers are selected for the pad, it seems to have copper.

If you need pad with copper, use THT pad, not NPTH.

But why the hole shape is different in the properties and in the board view? I don’t know. That could be a bug in KiCad. I wouldn’t trust in “Guber View”, whatever it is (I don’t find it by googling).

Can you share the original v6 design? Or strip it to minimum in v6 first, then share it? Maybe we can try to debug.

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