Testing Forum Abilities for anyone wishing to practice Functions

I just removed the timer for this topic / thread.
Also noticed you can set a timer for several different actions:

Welcome to KiCad.info Forums — thanks for contributing!

  • Be kind to your fellow community members.
  • Does your reply improve the conversation?
  • Constructive criticism is welcome, but criticize ideas, not people.

In my understanding:
You asked me to do something what I have already done. I was not sure if you noticed it or not so asked if you see that I got the effect that you suggest me how to get it.
My fault is that I didn’t mentioned that I used \ to get what I wanted.
So mentioning this, how it have been done should be welcome, but as you have written it ‘to me’ I didn’t understood it as completing the missing information but as suggestion what I should do while I already have done it.
So we have 2 questions:

  1. Was it kind to ask me to do something I have already done? - I’m not sure.
  2. Was it kind to ask you if you noticed that I have already done it? - I’m not sure.

May be if English would be my first language I will be more sure for these two answers.
Never mind if you understood what I have written as being no kind then ‘I’m sorry’.
Another thought:
Some problem is that if you write in English that ‘you should do something’ it sometimes is directed to someone to whom you are speaking and sometimes it is to everyone. In my language it is distinguishable and reading ‘you’ I naturally understand as something being directed to me and not to everyone.
May be you, even answering ‘to me’ were speaking to everyone and I didn’t noticed it.

I am sorry if your cultural background led you to misunderstand my helpful response.

In my understanding of forum etiquette:

  1. You posted an issue.
  2. I responded with a suggestion of how to resolve the issue.
  3. Your choice to read or not read and do or not do anything.
  4. If you do anything it is normally nice to say something like “thank you for your assistance” even though you had already solved your issue.

I did not intend to make you do anything. My offer of help was open ended and without request. You response seemed ungrateful and demeaning of my ability to read the forum for myself, and maybe this is true, but there is no need to point it out.

You responded in a way which I interpreted as challenging and disrespectful of my offered assistance. My offered assistance requested nothing and was only a suggestion meant to help you resolve your original issue.

I apologize if I misread the situation in any way.

Except that he didn’t. He clearly wrote “as an example”.

It is certainly possible I misunderstood the example for a problem. The bottom line is I attempted to help and received what I perceived as a rather rude response. I then posted the forum etiquette guidelines and received another challenging response to which I again responded politely.

Can we all get back to helping each other with KiCad and not being so critical of unwanted answers?

Perceiving can be a problem on this forum. There are many English Second Language users of various levels of competence, together with many no English users who rely on web translators.

The struggle to ask questions and give answers and suggestions coherently is usually foremost. Polite nuances in the forum language may well be beyond their limitations.

If a post is not a blatant personal attack, it is best to let it alone. These forum users may not be well versed in English, but their Kicad is usually pretty damn good. :smiley:

Perhaps we should get back on topic . . .

I’ve wanted to be able to do strikeouts occasionally, anyone know of a way ? and colours, I miss being able to change colour on specific bits of text . . . I guess that’s not an option either ?

Found one answer :wink: < del >anyone know of a way ?< /del > (without the spaces before and after “del”)

By strikeout you mean like this? Dunno about colour.

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Here is so called ‘game changer’.
You understood this thread in the way I even not considered anyone could understand it that way. Now I think that not considering this reflects poorly on my intelligence. And I’m furious with myself, as I am every time, when it turns out that I didn’t take some possibility into account.

You should know:
There was other thread in which glenenglish cited me by using only “” and reading his post not seeing standard way of citation used here at first I not noticed this citation. As he is new here I answered informing how to do citations to let it be seen at once.
But as this my post was clearly out of subject of those thread someone moved that post to new thread and titled it as you can see.
So this thread not starts (as most threads) with issue posted by the author of first post. Even my post is first here I didn’t started this thread asking any question as it is typical for other threads.

Sorry, but as there were no issue I didn’t understood it that way. But it was clear for me that you suggest to do something that was already done. So I was pretty sure that you didn’t noticed it. At first I wanted to write “You didn’t noticed…” but supposed it will be better to ask if you see that I had to use this method or not.

You are right. But here were no issue to be solved.

I had to use Google translator (I have it open any time I read or write something here) to understand this sentence (you used no technical words).
Now, knowing that you was thinking that you give me solution to my issue I completely differently understand your post and I understand why my question you could see as ungrateful.

Sorry but I think that the far beginning source of misunderstanding was that you saw the not existing issue and I didn’t considered that it is possible.
Since your response was shown as regarding my statement, I felt obliged to respond in some way. Now I know that it would be best if I ignored your statement.

I spend one hour consulting most sentences with Google trying to explain situation as clear as I could.
I really don’t know why you call it challenging. Did you found any other ungrateful (learning new word) in those my explanations.
On this post I also spend more than hour having as main task to explain and stick to the facts.

Since I often write jokes like “grab something out of my junk boxvaluable component stock”, you can see that surrounding spaces are not needed for the parser to see the <.

Yup, but I couldn’t show the HTML element < del > without the spaces . . . ahhhh, grave accent character does it . . . <del> (U+0060 GRAVE ACCENT character (`) )

So to do this do this . . . <del> this </del>

Backslash will also work, like this: \<del> => <del>. Then there’s no font change.

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strikeouts? double tilde at each end of the word/comment. ~~


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Click on the edit pencil in the above posts to find out how I managed a three letter post: note the big & bold and also the Markdown used for the strikeout.

For level 4s, dunno about 3s. To see the whole of someone’s post click on the three dots then the edit pencil.

Some Text

More and bigger Text

Two ways for bold, the other is bold


How did you found this big and bigger text?
Have you read any instruction for forum software?

For bold and Italic (Emphasis) I have icons to modify text and they insert right characters in the text.
I have tried to select Italic text and make it bold and it works.

I can make list down to 2 levels:

  • first
  • second
    – sub first
    – sub second

Don’t know how to do third level, but never needed it :slight_smile:

Hi @Piotr
Type into your search engine: Markdown, BBCode and HTML

Don’t remember if I ever heard of Markdown or BBCode.
HTML I heard but only heard - newer used directly.
So I’m simply not familiar with all these constructions.
My world is binary. When we needed to send two values - one in range 0…7 and second 0…31 we used one byte to send them both. When we started to use Ethernet we were very surprised how unfrugal (not sure of this word) people are when it comes to data transmission and how many things are sent simply by text.

I spend some time following your advice and even found the example of bolded italic but done differently than it is done here by using icons (here *** are used for this purpose).
I also found:
#Head1 and
##Head2 looking like:



But there were also the same way Head3…Head6 and they don’t work here.
But I didn’t found the --- and === used by paulvdh to make his ‘Some Text’ and ‘More and bigger Text’. Probably it is only the question on time spend on searching.

Edit: Paul / Piotr Header.

Hi Piotr, I edited your post and put some === in this post to create a header. Do note that Headers are not just for creating bold or bigger text. Software like Asciidoc can use these marks to generate automatic chapter numbering and indexes. KiCad’s own user manuals use this method too.

For another example, go to: KiCad / KiCad Web Services / kicad-doc · GitLab and have for example a look at the README.adoc file, which is also shown on that same page but rendered as html. Asciidoc / Asciidoctor and similar software also has the ability to link to pictures and more. You can write whole websites or pdf documenation with such software.