reIn fact I just saw that I have an area that goes beyond the edge of the circuit. The PCB (The Ladybug Icon) control does not report any errors. Is there a more severe soft in controls?
reIn fact I just saw that I have an area that goes beyond the edge of the circuit. The PCB (The Ladybug Icon) control does not report any errors. Is there a more severe soft in controls?
Can you post a picture of what you are talking about.
I think that anything outside the outline on the edge cuts layer will be ignored in the manufacturing process.
Hello all, Hello Hermit
Here some examples.
In fact, I’ll just have to correct the Zone GND area and the pb will be set for manufacturing.
Apparently, the Gerber files are enough at JCLPCB. (see their log)
What is interesting is that they detect a “Board Line” error, but Kicad does not see it even by activating all options.
In the log, there are some errors that are “Normal” on the shape of some foot
Can you show the 3D view of your board in KiCad?
Hard to say. It looks like the board outline doesn’t quite come together at one spot so that could be causing their software problems. Zone borders are common to have outside the board outline. This isn’t a problem. It might be in this case if they don’t recognize the board cut line though.
Here a view 3D. Forme no PB.
I would like to share a tip. If you have an SMD footrprint, in the properties, if you pass the pad into a hole, you can replace (for example) the transistor with a TO18 for . You can also play on the location of the hole. Be careful, the footprint will be on both sides. (For pin EBC)
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