Template Creation - Making a sheet inside a template

Hey guys,

I was unable to find a forum post discussing this specifically, but in KiCad 6, I made an attempt to create a template. The template has a size B for the first page which has a table for revision history and a box where you stick a second sheet which is where the schematic will begin. Sharing it here:

Now when I go to place another sheet on the right there under “Project Sheet” and then open it, I go into it, and its size A… and the title block (which I left out) is all jacked up (formatted for Size B, on a size A box). The issue being that I have to manually go and change it to size B for every extra sheet I make. Is there anyway to fix this?

I did see this export to other sheets checkbox shown here:

But that did not work. Curious if there was something else that I am missing, in order to make it so that any following sheet being made already is set to size B?

Thanks for your help, and if you find another post discussing this please copy link below.

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