Taskbar icons of different KiCad windows: Win10 vs. Linux

Hello everyone,

On Windows 10 every program “instance” in a KiCad project (Schematic Editor, PCB Editor, …) has it’s own Icon, which is shown in the taskbar as a representation for that specific program window.
With this, the (minimized) Schematic Editor is easy identified by its (yellowish) own Icon, PCB Editor hast its green Icon, Project Manager Icon is blue. Easy to visually separate.

On Linux Mint however, every window type is represented with the same blue KiCad Icon (KI on blue background), as long as it’s opened within a KiCad Project (when I open PCB Editor as standalone, the green “pcb-icon” is shown - fine).

It is somehow difficult to figure out which minimized window is supposed to be a certain instance of KiCad, e.g. PCB editor etc… I manged to change the KiCad Project Icon, so I could have separate Icons for KiCad in stable and nightly versions, but I would really enjoy to have the specific Icons for the respective window types (PCB Editor window, SCH Editor window,…).

Does anybody know, if there is any way to get those different Icons associated to the different KiCad window types on Linux (Mint)?
Any suggestion might be helpful, thanks a lot!

I’m also running Linux Mint, and each KiCad sub-program does have it’s own icon. Here is my OS’s menu:


I do think there is some problems with the mime types though. I can’t find KiCad directly in the menu anymore (for several months now). I never bothered to report it, mainly because I do not use that menu much anyway.

interesting, are you running cinnamon desktop?
I do, and there I tried 3 different panel applets (window list, grouped windwo list, window quick list).
All of them only show the blue Icon for every KiCad sub-program.

Mint cinnamon 20.3 here.

Same as you.

I have never explored further as I didn’t know that feature would exist or that windows had it. It’s been a loooong time since I used windows.

I will now look.

Nope. I think I tried that for a while but I don’t care about the fancy stuff and I really missed the screen grabber of Xfce I was using before, so I switched back to Xfce.

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