TagConnect TC2050-IDC Module

I am trying to design a footprint for the above connector. It requires that the pads of the connector are left bare copper (to be finished ENIG). How can I do this?

Use the “connector” pad type, and double-check that the F.Paste layer is disabled for the pad.


Or, I totally forgot…

I have that connector in my own library already

Just download and import, license is CC0 so you can steal it outright. I’ve used it before, so it’s tested.

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Thanks, how do I import that file?

OK, figured it out … thanks again for the help :o))

For reference this is in the official libs too https://github.com/KiCad/Connectors.pretty

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These are now here – https://github.com/KiCad/kicad-footprints/tree/master/Connector.pretty

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