For design where it is used as demux the symetry broke this rules since selection of address and enable are on the right of the symbol.
How could we solve this issues, ?
Should we split the part in two? use an alternative symbol (DeMorgan) as recommended here?
Any suggestion would help.
On the left of the image, the IC act as a mux with commands on the left
On the right of the image, the IC act as a demux with commands also on the left
Only one symbol is still needed, as, for a single job, edit the symbol by block mirroring only the control part or the switching part.
For a permanent library part, do the same but save the edits in a personal library as two symbols. The MUX and the DeMUX. Either way, the modification is an under 30 second job.
It was actually, you have to read behind the sentence:
And the figure in post 4 showed what OP had in mind.
A solution that’s too clever for its own good would be 2 units stacked on top of each other, which can be mirrored independently. But I think the solution of two symbols, either as variants or separate symbols is simple and best.
Except the next time you refresh the symbol from the library you will get the old one. Really the difference boils down to whether you save the symbol in a private library or you modify it every time you start a new schematic.
Correct, but you may want the old one next time. You may be MUXing instead of DUXing. It is the same symbol, the mirroring is only to improve the readability of the schematic. Maybe next time you will want the control pins on the right instead of the left for the schematic aesthetics.
Basically, there are four versions. Is it worth the effort to open the library and choose which of the four you require, or just have one and spend under 30 seconds changing to suit the schematic layout?
I know, the Jury is out on this one. Personal preferences reign, except in the official Kicad libraries, of course.
Except; you also may desire to change footprints which means different symbol pin outs. There is the NX3L4051HR and the NX3L4051PW. This means four mirrorable, not memorable, symbols. This really does SUX.
To close this subject,
I want to thank you all for your help.
There are many reasons to prefer one solution over another. The rules are the rules, and in the end, I accept it. Yes, my nice idea was rejected for addition to the library, but that’s part of the game. The libraries are great, and I can cope with having a MR rejected from time to time, especially since I didn’t follow the KLC that I should know by heart.