Symbols not appearing correctly when placed

Evening All,

I’ve noticed a funny quirck in the Software. After creating a symbol and then placing it in the schematic they don’t look the same. See below:

This is what my symbol looks like in the editor.

This is what it looks like when it’s placed in the schematic.


Why are they different? I now have to rearrange the reference designator to put in it’s proper place. Anything else visible does the same thing. Everything is mis-aligned. Yeah, I know it’s just the schematic but when I’m working on my larger projects I want them to look right. And that becomes a lot of extra effort. This doesn’t happen with the PCB Editor.

I’ve played around with every setting I can find. Is it something Global over-riding the symbol display properties? Any thoughts?


Please define “everything”.

Is it something Global over-riding the symbol display properties? Any thoughts?

first thought: looks like autoplacement of fields is enabled: global preferences–>Schematic editor–>Editing Options–>Symbol Field automatic placement

second thought: starting a thread with a sentence “the software has quirks”, while simultaneously the schematic editor documentation was not read ([see Schematic Editor | 8.0 | English | Documentation | KiCad , or search for autoplace), is not very nice.

third thought: I also wait for a explanation of “everything”. Your picture shows a difference for only one (out of >10) item (position of reference designator) between symbol editor picture and schematic picture. I also use exaggeration in my writings, but it is not useful during describing a problem.

In response to your second thought… What in the world would clue me in to look for “autoplace”? The reason why I came to the forum to ask the question. I was trying to keep this light-hearted as it’s an inconvience at worst. I have read through the documentation starting from V6, which is when I started using KiCad. You guys really need to rethink your lives. Getting nasty with people on here for asking questions doesn’t help anyone and for me, an Engineer for 30+ yrs, encourages me to not bother. This should be a place to help each other not strike out ever chance you get.

That said, I appreciate the first thought. Now I know where to go look and play with settings to see what is does. I try a lot of things before I ask a question on here. Including reading the manual. The manual, if you’ve read it enough, is not all inclusive. There are sections still missing. I give myself a few hours, yes hours, of trying different things and reading before reaching out.

My definition of “everything” is that which is different between the pictures. You guys/girls who have more experience than I do with the software are going to figure out exactly what I mean when you look at the picture. Hence your “First thought”. I do really appreciate that. It took me right where I needed to go.


I turned “autoplace” off and that fixed the issue.

I apologize if you interpreted my comment as nasty. That was not the intention.

If you had mentioned the text, it would have been clear.
I saw three differences. The grid/anchor/cursor under the symbol, the graphic overlap of the top pin and the text alignment. My thought was: which one/s?