"Symbols Fields Table" Window

This window is a big table with well-organized data of the schematic. But the window is a popup or something similar. And there is no way to maximize this window or to snap it to the corners, at least on my linux box (Ubuntu/Gnome). Also, popups by default on Gnome, are glued in front of its main window. So it is kind of hard to use it on my system.

So, why this window has to be a popup?
Is there any plan or idea to turn it into a real window?

What window, how you open it?

The title says "Symbols Fields Table”

I open it by clicking on the table-like icon on Eeschema toolbar. The tooltip is “Bulk-edit field of all symbols in the schematic”

The one in the middle here

This window does not have normal window controls as Eeschema does.

It is the window in front here. The window in the back is Eeschema

Interesting. This works normally on Windows and Kubuntu (GTK toolkit but KDE desktop/window manager). As Ubuntu is a supported system, this may be a bug which would be fixed.

Size and position are fully adjustable in Linux Mint which uses Ubuntu.

I reported this before version 6 and the idea it was cut, maybe it was too much for that time.

The “Electrical Rule Checker” is also the same kind of window. I cannot use the snap tool. The way I used to work (on everything) is to split my single monitor screen in half using Win+Arrow_Right and Win+Arrow_Left so I can do things and check things simultaneously without having to lose time managing windows and moving them around.

Size and position are adjustable, indeed. I am not saying it is fixed.
I am saying that there are no window controls in the title bar. The “Maximize” as we see in any other normal windows is not present. Which means it is not a normal window.

Why don’t we have a normal window here? Any special reason? Maybe because it is easier to control the main window, idk.

The term is modal dialog window. It’s main use is that it blocks the interactions with parent window which spawned it while the dialog is still open. This is usually done to avoid having to keep track of 2 windows and synchronizing state between them.
For example if you open field table from eeschema and then add/remove a component, the field table should get updated.

It’s not impossible but doing this right can be tricky as there are lots of hidden interactions and edge cases to consider in this kind of window synchronization. Usually just not worth the effort so devs make it a modal dialog to guarantee that you only interact with one thing or the other.

Ah, that makes sense. Thanks, @qu1ck.

And is it possible to do something different then… add window controls to the modal window? Instead of changing the type of the window.

Yes, you can control each button


I see no reason why maximize shouldn’t be enabled on such window but minimize doesn’t make sense for a modal dialog.

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Good, thank you once more. So I would like to see these things enabled to have a more functional window if possible, in the future.

You should file a feature request on gitlab.

This is exactly what I am going to do.

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