Symbol picking with database

I am using fully defined parts using KiCAD’s ability to use a database (sqlite) to refer to symbols and footprints. Using database views to create a hierarchy of parts that belong together. Works well. However, I don’t understand some design choices made for the symbol picker/chooser. For example, I have a view (and corresponding config in the kicad_dbl file) that brings out “1.semi - ic Data Acquisition” (see image below). The parts in this folder view all start with “ic Data Acquisition” followed by our internal part number. Why is “ic Data Acquisition” repeated (the folder header already shows it) and why is this not the part value field? So in my case those thee line items would read:
ADS8866IDGSR / 500,017
ADS8866IDRCR / 500,019
AD5160BRJZ100 / 500,030

With a large table, being able to see the part values would making picking a lot quicker/intuitive. But perhaps I am missing something?

Screenshot 2024-08-09 at 2.34.36 PM

Yeah, same thing here but I try to keep my table names short – a single letter when possible:

A single-letter table name (Q):

…and a longer one:

I cram a bunch of stuff into the description field, sorted as it makes sense. I arrange my parts by a master part number and assign numers in different groups such that the parts display in subgroups (analog, logic, whatnot…). So that means on big table for all chips (U). For my needs this is no problem to navigate – if you have a giant database with thousands of parts, then sub-tables would likely make sense. Defining Views can let you get creative as well – eg: open the full db, or open a db of views that omit parts you flag as NFND (but want to keep in your system)…

My databases and views are set up with a taxonomy similar to that of Digikey (not that it was any better than other companies, just a taxonomy that works). So I am digging for a sensor chip of some sorts at least I can navigate to 1.semi.ic.sensor. The info line is what I capture from DigiKey, mouser etc. I don’t want to add or change that text. So I do use the symbol picker/chooser as a browser for components that I may want to look into as part of “the big idea in my head” and know that I have used them in the past at some point (only vetted components in my databases). Short names wouldn’t work for me.

So it seems that displaying that string again in front of the part-number seems be asking for an improvement request…