I need a symbol for the 8-1 MUX ADG708 or MAX4581. I searched the included library as well as GitHub - KiCad/kicad-symbols: Official KiCad schematic symbol libraries for Kicad 5 but can’t find any 8-1 MUX with the same pinout. Where do I go from here short of creating my own symbol?
Modify an existing symbol:
Open symbol editor,
Chose an existing symbol that’s closest to what you want,
Copy it and paste to your own library (IMPORTANT: Do not edit KiCad’s existing libraries - they get overwritten every update, create your own library if you don’t have one yet),
Edit the pins to have the pin numbers that you need (pin numbers correspond to pad numbers),
That should be the minimum to get it working. If you don’t know what electrical type is just leave it at passive to prevent ERC errors.
You probably spent more time searching than it would take to make your own symbol. Symbols are easy to design and an essential skill for PCB design.